Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Holy Dumbness, Batman

Tonight was not my most ingenious walk, that's for sure. Here are the most obvious dumbness factors:
  1. Didn't wear my good walking shoes so my feet started hurting at 4 miles
  2. Ran out of water at 2 miles so I was thirsty for over an hour
  3. Didn't bring any money so I couldn't get a refreshment once I wandered back into civilization
  4. Didn't look at the "Directory" right at the start of the getting lost part
So, I did my usual hike with Ole, up through our nice trail, one loop, and then up to Hwy 128 (2 miles). I decided to see if I could access the beautiful trail that runs through the golf course. That was easy...the cross street at the top of 128 was Eldorado and there was a nice sidewalk that ran through the golf course. Here's the rub. I didn't know how to cut across the golf course so I had to walk AROUND it. 3 miles around it. My 4 mile walk was about 6 miles. Not as bad as I thought it was , actually, but way longer than I wanted. And I had to miss Maj. And my feet hurt. Grrr. I vow to ALWAYS wear my good shoes from now on and to ALWAYS carry some money. And to look at Directories.

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