Thursday, June 7, 2007

High Winds

We had some freaky high winds here on Wednesday. Like so freaky that trees are broken all over the place and the power went out and my ISP went down. Did you hear me, NO INTERNET. For 48 hours. So I'm actually writing this Saturday afternoon.

I took my walk Thursday afternoon. Jeremy wanted to do his team bike ride, so he got home early so I could leave at 4:15. Here's how a lot of trees look now:

First I walked to the Photo Store to see if my order was ready. Good thing I checked, they hadn't gotten it. So we got that fixed and I continue on. I walked my south/east loop, listening to Harry Potter. Jeremy wanted to leave at 5:30 so I cut my walk a little short. But as soon as I got home, the Photo Store called to say my order was completed, so I put the boys on bikes to go pick it up. Alex wiped out pretty quickly and got a goose egg next to his eye. But he got back on his bike and we made it to the store. On the way home was worse. He skinned both knees and couldn't ride home. I was having trouble pushing Adam and Alex's bike and then I finally convinced Alex we could get to the bandaids quicker if he rode home. Oy, he's a mess. Bandaids on every limb and now that nice head bump. But what a trooper.

Mileage: 117 miles, 312 to go
Pledges: $165

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