Tuesday, June 5, 2007


It was a dark and epic night, punctured only by my steadily paced monster sneezes...

Let me back up. Ellen and I came up with another plan that once again turned epic for Alex and Ted. Jeremy was bike racing tonight, so I had decided to take the boys along on my walk. Ellen joined me with Ted and Mae. We were going to bike/walk to DQ for ice cream, but that was only less than 2 miles round trip. So I suggested that we walk over to Ted's elementary school to add some mileage. We were having trouble with Ted stopping and waiting for us to catch up and then Alex running into him, so we told them to just go. And go they did, right past the turn to Ted's school. Ellen had to ditch Mae's stroller with me and run after them. And I didn't really think how far the school was, and once we got there it was 7:30 and a mile and a half away from home. And also when we reached the school, my hay fever decided to kick in full force and I couldn't stop sneezing.

But ice cream was promised, so we headed back. There was downhill, so back was uphill, which is more difficult for the beginner rider. Oh yeah, did I mention this was Alex's first day riding his bike without training wheels after we took them off yesterday? Much falling was involved and at 8:15 we made it to DQ.

I was worried about getting home, since it was the most uphill and also getting dark, but everyone made it. It was a long 4 miles but when we weren't stopped to help Alex, we were walking at a good pace. Ellen did the whole walk in her crocs, how are your feet now?

Mileage: 113 miles, 316 to go
Pledges: $165

1 comment:

Ellen said...

My feet were fine, surprisingly!! And again, I am impressed with Alex's strength of character. How many other kids would have biked 4+ miles on their first day off training wheels, after a serious crash earlier in the day (wasn't he going to cry forEVER?) WTG Alex. You rock.