Sunday, July 1, 2007


Today's walk was so crazy, I'm surprised I didn't think of it myself. It was actually the brainchild of my dear husband. Sunday morning, we were still in Colorado Springs, but soon to be at the ranch in Westcliffe. Jeremy found a dirt road 12 miles from the ranch and dropped me off at mile marker 1:

I listened to my book and walked pretty fast to mile marker 2:

And then I never did see mile marker three, but my book ran out. And then I saw mile 10, which was really confusing. But I seemed to be walking in the right direction, so I plugged on. It was cool to see the Sangre de Cristos hiding behind the wet mountains:

The mile markers seemed to want to stay at their new number, so I took a picture of number 8:

And number 7 was in the "town" of Rosita, which just seemed to be a higher density of houses than the rest of the road.

Rosita, what's it all about?

And I swear I missed mile 6, but then found 5.

Somewhere after 5, my dear husband found me and brought me some much needed water. He also said that I had missed the turn about 1/2 mile back and so he drove me up the right road. The rest of the walk was on a much more remote road where the houses looked more like this:

I'm not sure if I quite hit 12 miles, but I walked for 3 1/2 hours. It was really hot and I was quite bored with myself at the end, so I called it good enough.

Mileage: 207 miles, 222 to go
Pledges: $165

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