Saturday, June 30, 2007

Funky old houses

The boys left today for Iowa and I got lucky. Erin and her sister volunteered to watch Mae for me while I went on my long walk. 12 miles today. It took me about 4 hours. It was 95 degrees and very hot. I kept well hydrated but wasn't hungry AT ALL. The last mile was a killer and I was really dizzy when I finally made it to Erin's house. Some juice and goldfish cheered me up and then I celebrated with sushi for dinner. Mmm. I'm so relieved that is over. Tomorrow will be 100 but I only need to do 4 miles. I think as soon as Mae wakes up I'll give her a baggie of cereal and take off in the stroller and Ole and get it done early. I made it 10 miles before putting on the MP3 player, so I got some good thoughts in. I walked from my house to Vic's in Louisville (5 miles) and then just meandered around Main Street, going up and down the different side streets and admiring the funky old houses. Most of them were quite tiny, but so individually landscaped and decorated. It was really interesting.

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