Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Look Ma, No Car

1:45 This morning we went to storytime at the library. Alex rode, I pushed Adam on his bike and Ariel was on my back. And oh yeah, this was not the close library. On the way home, we stopped at Horizons and played with Ted and Sam and Mae on the playground. So that was 4 miles down.

5:30 In the afternoon we walked to our close library and the store, adding another mile. But Alex was walking, so it was a ssslllooowww mile.

9:00 So right now I'm going through what most woman go through, only in the fall. It's "football" season, aka The Tour de France. Jeremy is streaming the verses channel at night and it frankly bores me to death, especially since the announcers are American instead of crazy Scots. I was feeling bad about that last slow mile, so I set off to do the walk I had thought I'd to today, my 5 mile Shanahan Ridge walk. I'm listening to The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants #4 and while I've missed the backstory of the first 3, it's really good. So I got in a good 5 mile training walk, plus my 5 miles of kids in the day.

Mileage: 244 miles, 185 to go
Pledges: $310

1 comment:

Ellen said...

you're insane. period. ;-)