Sunday, May 27, 2007

Turkey Toe Ranch

The Wet Mountain Valley is a beautiful place to take a long walk. My mother-in-law Judy walked the first 3.5 miles with me 70% of the 5 mile square, then I was on my own. I walked up Horn Road for a while (up to the trees, approximately 4 miles up the road from the ranch):

See, trees:

But then I had to walk all the way back. I think the ranch is up there where the thick road ends.

On the way home I saw this pretty flooded hay meadow (which luckily it's been so wet that the hay wasn't pollinating yet and my hay fever didn't act up):

There were mile markers and I timed my mile, about 17 minutes, as I thought. But that also meant I walked an extra 13 minutes, or 3/4 of a mile. Always the overachiever.

More pictures from our Turkey Toe vacation are here.

Mileage: 86 miles, 343 to go
Pledges: $165

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