Thursday, April 26, 2007

Chilly Evening

The problem with waiting to walk until the evening is that I never know what the weather will be like. At 4:30 it looked like it could get pretty nasty, but by the time I left at 6:30 it was cool but not stormy. I had my new MP3 player, I'm currently listening to Shopaholic and Baby (which I wouldn't really recommend, but it is slightly entertaining). I walked up the hill and down in my standard 3 mile loop.

Here's my turn around point (I love long walks when this is where I really get started):

And I saw two ducks right by my house:

We always see ducks in the spring, but not for long. Either they are just passing through, or they quickly figure out that a creek by a bike path populated by dogs is not the best spot for raising a family.

Mileage: 6 miles, 423 to go
Pledges: $20

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